This section has some recent videos and introduces some of our oral history work. We have an oral history collection of local interest, and to make this more accessible, are transcribing these and will soon start a campaign to add some new additions to the collection.
Ghost Walk
In 2020 in association with the Discover Beaminster team we produced a virtual ghost walk. Grab a drink of whatever you need and follow in the weird and wonderful footsteps of Daniel Gale, erstwhile sexton of this parish, as he guides you through the ghost-ridden streets and alleyways of Beaminster! All of his stories are founded on real local history, for this venture, from the museum’s perspective at least, is designed first and foremost to share our heritage with an audience who might not normally be tempted to pay us a visit.
Oral Histories
In this short sample, Murray Rose introduces a sample of three of the Oral Histories held at the Museum. There are about 30 Oral histories to listen to, and we are in process of preparing transcriptions to accompany the listening experience. We are also actively seeking new contributions, especially from our surounding villages.