Information on how we are run, and how we comply with our charitable status will appear here.
As a charitable organisation we need to comply with the reporting requirements of the Charities Commission, and as an accredited Museum, we need to comply with the Spectrum standards. ( Spectrum Museum Standards )
Accreditation is necessary to enable us to seek grants when needed to further our activities, and is subject to periodic review which includes a review of our policies.
AGM Minutes from January 2024
Museum Policies
Forward Plan
Minutes from Jan 2023 AGM
Latest accounts to be presented at AGM in Jan 2024
Note as our turnover is less than £25,000 we are only required to run very simplified accounts. This means items such as shop purchases and capital purchases are treated very simply, looking at one years accounts may not give a full picture of our financial position. eg. If we stock up the shop in one year but not the next, shop profitability appears to vary significantly year to year. Our base costs for Building Insurance and utilities is about £6000 a year, and we own the listed building.
Lottery Evaluation
The Lottery Fund required us to have a third party evaluation report on the expansion project prepared, and this is a useful summary of recent activities during the year and can be found below:
Volunteer Agreement
Here is the volunteer agreement for Volunteers to sign :